Energetic Vibes: a language to learn to speak

Aug 28, 2023

Your energy is a powerful language.

It's not only about the amount of energy you have, but the quality of the energy you have.

Energy is a strange thing, as it is not a substance, but a "vibration".

Here is my non-scientific analysis:

There are many types of "human energy", and many different ways to measure it.

Personally, I have felt it most useful to think about human energy as a person's "wavelength" (measured by brainwave frequencies).

A person's wavelength varies in different contexts, at every second of every day.

There are different wavelengths associated with different mind states: ALPHA (8-12 Hz) for focus and calm, BETA (13-30 Hz) for alertness and activity, GAMMA (> 30 Hz) for reflection and creativity, THETA (4-8 Hz) for relaxation and intuition, and DELTA (< 4 Hz) for deep sleep and restoration.

Wavelengths are emitted by your body from your unique collection of biological reactions, and received through your senses from the wavelengths in the environment surrounding you.

What determines your energetic "vibe" is therefore all of the inputs that go into creating those biological reactions and forming the environment you are in.

For your body, it is the foods you eat, the time you sleep, the way you move your body, the thoughts you ponder, the emotions you feel, etc.

For your environment, it is the air you breathe, the colours you see, the sounds you hear, the people you interact with, the content you consume, the substances you touch, etc.

The thing with wavelengths is that when different wavelengths come together, they collide, interfere with each other, and calibrate.

This is called “interference”. The pattern and frequency of the energy changes.

It is not absolutely constructive or absolutely destructive, but disruptive.

In the case of sound waves, they blend with each other.

They can reinforce each other and amplify the signal, asymmetrically increase and decrease in strength relative to one another, negate their impact as they collide in opposite ways, or potentially we can imagine them forming something new. (note: I have no idea what I am talking about - but like the imagery…)

Most of us carry our energy around subconsciously during our day, and let ourselves be calibrated according to our environment, which has downstream effects on our physical states and biology (which in turn have an effect on our energy, and so on).

Learning to stay in control of your energetic state starts with being aware of the dynamic relationship between your body and your environment, and taking responsibility for the variables that affect it.

I have personally learned to hone in on what makes up my energy, and what affects it.

Once you learn how different variables affect you, you learn which to use in different contexts, and with different intents. You no longer are subject to energetic fields, but use energetic fields to induce and manage your own.

I am often told there is something unique about my energy, and I would attribute it to intention.

Staying in control of your energetic state is not only useful to be able to decide what state you want to be in at any given moment, but also the state you want to inspire and emit outwards to others in any given space.

While we focus a lot on external appearance and interactions and internal feelings and sensations, we often forget about our energetic system because it exists in fields that are not captured by our senses at the intersection of our external and internal selves.

But our energy is what is most felt by others. It is a universal language that every body understands - at a biological level.

The energy you have the power to induce in yourself, you can emit outwards for others to capture and be affected by.

What we communicate does not have to be explicitly expressed and processed through consciousness.

Our mediums of communication are broader than we think.

personal note: if you want to practice, try Binaural Beats. Align your brainwaves to sound waves, and see how it feels.